Insights Resource Management FAQ

Intrinsic’s Insights Resource Management tool is a powerful yet easy-to-use resource planning application that helps you ensure that all your projects are properly resourced, and that all of your resources are being fully utilized. Below is a list of FAQs regarding Insights Resource Management’s features and functionality. 

  • Does the resource planning tool Insights Resource Management reside in the cloud or is it a SaaS (software as a service) tool?

    Insights Resource Management is a cloud-based software (SaaS) that can be accessed anywhere via a browser. 

  • Does the portfolio capacity planning tool model work demand, FTE supply, and actuals to identify resource gaps and bottlenecks?
    • Model Work Demand– Insights Resource Management can model work demand in several ways that vary from simple to more complex. The level of complexity is determined as part of the implementation. Work demand should be modeled by role, over time.
    • FTE Supply– Insights Resource Management has a module for managing FTE supply (i.e. capacity management). This can be tracked down to the name level. Tags can be placed on resources, such as ‘contractor’ or ‘new hire,’ so managers can see more granularity about hiring plans, when contractors roll off projects, etc.
  • Does Insights Resource Management accommodate algorithm-based demand modeling?

    Insights Resource Management models work demand in several ways, varying in complexity from simple to more complex algorithms. The level of complexity (specifically, in terms of the demand project algorithms) should be determined as part of the implementation. Work demand can be modeled by role, over time.

  • Does Insights Resource Management accommodate scenario modeling?
    • Insights Resource Management has an easy-to-use scenario planning model.  The user is presented with a Gantt-like view of their portfolio. The user can “grab”:
      • The end date of the bar for the project and move the end date
      • The start date of the bar for the project and move the start date
      • The whole bar and move the entire bar.
    • With any of these changes the user can see the resource demand shift automatically as the user moves the timelines.
    • Users can move the summary bar of the project or expand the project and move the bars (timelines) for any subtasks.  This design allows users to choose how specific they need to be when doing scenario modeling yet to be able to do it on one interface that is simple and easy-to-use.
    • Once the scenario is created it can be saved to analyze later.  Several scenarios can be saved and published as a new workbook, replacing what was previously used.
  • Does Insights Resource Management require minimal customization to perform essential requirements?

    Yes, the concept behind a SaaS solution is that Intrinsic took over 20 years of pharmaceutical resource management experience and built a best in class resource management tool with all the essential features. This allows pharmaceutical companies to implement Insights Resource Management in as fast as a week.

  • Does Insights Resource Management provide the ability to visualize work demand versus supply (capacity) versus actual data?
    • Insights Resource Management has out-of-the box reports that allow users to visualize work demand versus supply. Users can save reports to their profile and share reports they created (for example, filtering on a project or TA). That way a user’s saved reports can be stored in Insights Resource Management.
    • Any or all of the Insights Resource Management data can be exported to Excel if users want to create their own Excel reports.
  • Does Insights Resource Management model the work demand using algorithms and project plan milestones?
    • Insights Resource Management has an algorithm engine to model work demand, utilizing project plan milestones and activity dates.
    • Algorithms can be as complex as users like, including simple “low, medium, high” allocations.
    • If more complexity is needed, the resource management algorithm engine users can create custom mathematical expressions that can be applied to projections.
  • Once the work demand is generated, can the data be visualized and filtered based on therapeutic area, program, study, activity, and role?
    • Insights Resource Management has out-of-the-box reports with numerous filters, such as therapeutic area, program, study, activity, and role.   
    • In addition, users can add tags in Microsoft Project, such as whether a project is outsourced, and this tag can be imported into Insights Resource Management and used as a filter. 
  • Can the demand model be adjusted through scenario planning?

    The demand model Insights Resource Management can be adjusted through scenario planning as described above.

  • After the demand is modeled, can Insights Resource Management import current supply or create a hiring plan by function and role?

    Insights Resource Management allows pharmaceutical companies to import supply or headcount into the system. A hiring plan can also be created by function or role to assist managers with more clarity on their resource management plans.

  • Can all the data and charts be analyzed and exported for use outside the tool?
    • The resource management reports can be saved within Insights Resource Management or exported from the tool.   
    • Reports can be generated, saved and shared within the tool. 
    • Reports can be exported to Excel or CSV for analysis outside the tool. 
    • Visualizations/graphs can be exported as PNG or SVG files for sharing outside the tool in other downstream systems.  
    • Data tables can be individually exported from within the tool on a table by table basis for manipulation and easy reimporting. 
    • Additionally, users can “Export All Data” within each business unit (a “Domain”) with a single button (permission based). 
    • Demand Projections generated by the tool can be exported to a CSV file. 
  • Are all data and charts exportable in Insights Resource Management?

    Data and charts can be exported via individual data tables or a whole data export file.

  • Can custom visualizations be created?
    • Insights Resource Management has out-of-the box reports that allow users to visualize work demand versus supply versus actual data. Users can save reports to their profile and share reports they created (for example, filtering on a project). That way a user’s saved reports are stored in Insights Resource Management.
    • Data is easily exported or connected to other visualization tools like Microsoft Power BI, Tableau, etc.
  • Can Insights Resource Management roll up and drill down on data elements?
    • Insights Resource Management makes it easy to slice and dice your data. In addition to out of the box data elements, the tool allows users to “tag” additional data elements using additional columns (e.g. outsourced, number of patients, number of sites) in the schedule (i.e., the book of business). These columns can be filtered against, can be targeted for inclusion/exclusion using Complexity Rules and can be targeted for custom projection calculation using Custom Algorithms.
    • There are also drill down or pivoting capabilities are drill-down or pivoting capabilities for this data in real-time.
    • Insights Resource Management can roll up/drill down data by Month, Quarter, Year, role, department, organization, work item (project or study), and activities.
  • Does Insights Resource Management have the ability to add custom criteria for analysis?

    Insights Resource Management allows custom criteria or the ability to “tag” additional data elements using additional columns (such as outsourced, number of patients, number of sites) in the schedule (i.e., the book of business). These columns can be filtered against, used for inclusion/exclusion using Complexity Rules, and used for custom projection calculations using Custom Algorithms.

  • Does Insights Resource Management have the ability to forecast resources based on mathematical algorithms)?

    Insights Resource Management models work demand in several ways, varying in complexity from simple to more complex algorithms. The level of complexity should be determined as part of the implementation. Work demand should be modeled by role, over time.

  • Does Insights Resource Management have a variety of security permissions?
    • Insights Resource Management can define user permissions by role, function or individual.
    • Application and API data access can be granted, via permissions, to individuals for each business unit (a “Domain”) modeled in the resource management tool. These permissions are controlled by a designated custodian at the client company. Permission levels should include read, read/write, and read/write/administrate.
  • Does Insights Resource Management comply with single-sign-on?

    Single-sign-on can occur via Microsoft Office 365. Once invited, the login should be seamless using the username and password used for all Microsoft 365 tools.

  • Can Insights Resource Management scale beyond R&D?

    Insights Resource Management uses domains that are essentially containers (set up by department or function) of resource management data, capacity management data, etc. Privileges can be set up so that users only see their whichever domains they are involved with. This way each function has its own working space for resource management.

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